jeudi, septembre 21, 2006

Waiting for the bus

So... I'm packed, just waiting until 1:10 to start my travel to Cardiff. I hope I'll survive it quite comfortably ;) Without loud people around, polices stopping us, delays etc. Especially delays - I must change my bus on London Victoria Coach Station. So, cross your fingers for my travel ;)

Huh, and also for this fact that it seems that only I'll be so early in Cardiff, so I hope I'll have my board and lodging for this 'additional' time and I'll not need to use any bridge around ;) I really hope so ;)

And also for fulfilling all my task in very good way and to leave a good impression of my work between the team, organizers, participants... To give them chance to invite me for future work ;)

Three wishes...

But seriously - I'm a bit stressed. It'll be first so 'serious' job for such 'important' institutions. So, I really hope that I'll do everythig perfectly. I know it's my first tasks like this one and may do some mistakes, don't know some things etc. But still would like to be great ;)

I'm trying to burn CD with documents etc., but something is not good :/ Sometimes my computer/program/burner has own opinion what it should do and what not ;) Grrrrr.... I hope I'll manage to do it soon without problems.

Ok, I don't have a feeling about writing more things. So, I'll only write that should be in Cardiff tomorrow at 5:40 PM :/ I'll stay there until 3rd October and I'll be home at 4rd October at midday. Ufff...

I'll miss chatts with my friends during those 2 weeks. I've managed to say goodbye to all of them besides Marcin, but I have still 2 hours, so maybe... ;)


PS. I can't comment on any blos on Blogger, which are not Beta, sorry.
PS2. Rene - poor Lara because of this salsa-night.

2 commentaires:

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And now I'm waiting on your stories from Cardiff....

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