vendredi, septembre 01, 2006

I need some energizer...

Almost whole this week was without energy. I don't know what happened, but it was not nice at all.

But it started to change 'under pression' - I must prepare some things for the TC in which I'll be trainer. So, we had some e-meetings in this week, reading application forms of candidates, splitting tasks, discussing about roles, methods etc. That was good, but we still have some parts of program to talk about. And then I will finally fully prepare myself for 'my' parts of program ;)

When I'll be back from Rotterdam I'll have only few days to prepare for my work as a documentalist in European Module 4 in Cardiff. That means also practical things, like buying tickects. And I'm still looking for a suitable and cheap connection. There are two options now: going directly from Bydgoszcz to Cardiff by bus (the cheapest and the longest option) and flying from Bydgoszcz to London Stansted by Ryanair and then changing for National Express coach to Cardiff via London Victoria (that's half price more but half of the time). But when I see this whole mess on airports, those new strange regulations, those delays (especially with cheap airlines) I'm not so optimistic about this connection. But I'll decide on Monday.

Yesterday I received an info that I'm registered for the Evaluation Seminar of all European Modules 2006. It will be held in Bonn on 1st and 2nd November. And on 31st October there will be also an informational day about new Youth in Action Program. It will be good to hear about it more in details. And for the period od this seminar (1,5 day ;))) we'll be also hired, so means some additional money. At least something ;) That's good news.

Tomorrow I'll go to Bydgoszcz for a short training related with action in which 'my' local foundation is taking part and which is called "You have a voice - you have a choice" and which is aimed to promote participation and voting in local elections (which will take a place in November this year). It'll be interesting, we'll talk for example about leading debates with candidates. And maybe I'll also meet some friends there :) Let's wait and see.

Now I'm relaxing, writting posts on my blogs and listen to the internet radio of my friends ;) There were just greetings from Marcin to me :)) That's nice, even if it's kind of private radio - with maybe 100 listeners ;) Or something like that.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

I'm sure that the last day was an energizer day, and probably when you will be at the coming training event in Brussels you will find some more energy to work for all your projects.

CU soon!