lundi, mai 22, 2006

Good times... bad times...

I think I lost my will to write two blogs - Polish and English. On Polish I'm more active. But it's easier - I have there "friends" reading my blog and asking "why you not publish new post??", so there is some kind of motivation ;)
Last week was quite lazy - just few little things to do, some meetings and that's all. But I had realy strange mood during it, so I want to forget about it as soon as possible.
But the previous one was just great. First I was 3 days in Warsaw. I was attending for a international youth meeting organized by the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation called “All different – all equal. Make the unity in diversity work!” - first event related with the Campaign First day I was a bit stressed, because of my workshop - I was a leader of the workshop "Europe without dividing lines?". And it was first work for this NGO, so it was important for me. Event (at least this part I was attending) was good, people were cool :) At the end they participated in so called "Schuman Parade". You may find photos here
From Warsaw I traveled to Maróz - small village in one of the most wonderful places in Poland, called Mazury. There was a 5th National Meeting of Rural NGOs. It was just great! Interesting lectures and workshops, cool people around, each evening - BBQs, fire, free beer and dancing with band :) And each evening we'll continuing party in our room or on the landing stage on the lake. I've met my one friend Marcin and he was with a group of friends, so I've met many new great ppl. In next year - if I will have an opportunity - I'll go next time with big pleasure :) And photos are here
This week we're continuing with our LEADER+ application form. The deadline is 31st May, so there is not so much time. I hope we'll manage with the applicaiton form, bank loan (first we must pay for our expences and then they will give us money back) and all other things. I'm sitting home and working on it and also on other applications. On Wednesday and Thursday we have a group meeting to finish some things.
"My" group of youngsters made a new movie interpretation of one local legend for a contest. Maybe it's not professional, but cool one :) I hope they will get at least some diploma! They are realy active, have a good ideas and they are very nice :) I hope they will have such a nice motivation for a long, long time...
Soon June will start... This crazy June... Let's see where and when I'll travel ;) I'm sure about 2 things - Cardiff and Strasbourg. And not sure about other two - one city in Poland and Ukraine. I hope I'll go in all those places. It'll be so great. Cross your fingers for that!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Where is Aga??? There are some persons waiting on your adventures