lundi, octobre 30, 2006

Again on the way

Veeeery short, becasue it's already very late and I need to wake up in 4,5 h :(

At 6:22 I'm starting my travel to Bonn for an Evaluation Semianar of all 6 European Modules 2006. So, I'll meet again my team and organizers from Cardiff :) Nice!

And on 2nd November I'm going to Berlin to visit Jonathan - one of participants from thie Module in Cardiff :) Lovely :) And what is even better I'll stay there until 5th November. And even better - there will be 2 more participants from Cardiff in the same time - Zane (with her boyfriend) and probably Sylwia :) Cool! I'm happy about it :)
Finally I created an online album from Kusadasi. It's nice :p There are 8 sub-albums, like: team, Izmir etc. You may find it HERE.

And for 'better apettite' for visits there...

Without any changes! Original!

Adakule Hotel is really cool place!

And our cool team (from left): Behrooz, me and Serhan. It was great time!

So, I hope your apettites are bigger now, you're warmly invited to see all of them and to share your comments about them here :)

See you after 5th November!

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

You LOVE to travel, so I'm happy that you can travel again a lot :)

I will also start to travel again after one year of staying back home. Rome and Napoli are waiting for me ;)

Unknown a dit…

Nice photos! :)

Have fun in Germany!

Don't forget to relax and just enjoy the moments and the time with your friends after the evaluation seminar.
