mardi, juin 26, 2007

Last week

I don't know, but lately I do not have any will to write any posts again. Even on my Polish blog. In general I'm terribly lazy - just sleeping, reading and absolutely nothing more. And unfortunatelly I have some things to do - application form, changes in another one, report from one project and session outlines for two other. And not much time for that - until Thursday midday. I just need to force myself and I'll manage. At least I hope ;)

Between Thursday and Sunday I was in Warsaw. We had a preparatory meeting for a Regional Training Course on Multipliers on Human Rights Education. There were: Karolina (president of the PYC), Monika (local organizer), Darek, Silvia, Marius and me (trainers). The meeting was very interesting and effective - we've finished even a bit earlier than we thought. Everything is plan (of course draft versions), deadlines are set, so now it is time for work.

And the free time together with them was also very nice :) On Friday we were in "Komisariat" (police station) for a beer and mojito. And on Saturday, we had long walk in the Old Town, then dinner and beer. And before that we're watching "Music & lyrics" on the computer and after that singing the songs from the movie together ;) Cool team building ;) And half of Sunday we had free - Monika, Silvia and Darek needed to go, but Karo, me and Marius were enjoying the free time together. First we're watching the fashion shows during the 3rd Warsaw Fashion Street (what was interesting mostly for Marius ;)), then we had slow, nice lunch, walk around and wondering around the biggest shopping mall in Poland. Then Marius went to catch his bus, Karo back to the office and I took my suitcase from the hotel and catch my train back home.

Today I've got finally 2 pics from Peter from the EYW, 1 pic from Marius and some others, so I can finally show you some pics. If organizers will burn me DVD with all the photos from them in this week, then in the future you may see some more. So...
Workoholics - trainers during the European Youth Week 2007. From the right side: Danijela, Marius, Ena, Peter and Marc.
Leading ice-breakers for 150 people... Strange feeling!
During the official openning session
With Marius - during the bus city tour (as you may see - in the open bus ;)) A lot of fun, laughing, joking, crazyness, a bit of danger (cut most of the trees in BXL ;))

Award ceremony (for the best youth projects), Eurovision style ;) With Peter.

Crazyness caused thanks to the presenters - minute later we changed our places, went to the last row, where we could comment and laugh more freely ;) We're very bad raised ;)

That would be all for now. If there will be more nice pics - I may come back to this event.
On Thursday I'll go to Berlin. I'm very happy about it :) I'll stay in the flat of Sergej and Angelique, I'll spend whole my time with them, also with Jakob, probably with Sylwia and Jona, Peter and his love, and maybe some other friends :) It will be great just to relax, enjoy time with friends, party, have fun and so on. I would just love to have also good weather, but this seems not so possible :( Let's see!

dimanche, juin 10, 2007

C'est incroyable

It's such a strange feeling to be at home after more than 2 months of travelling... I was home inbetween long enough just to unpack, wash my clothes and pack, all the time busy with so many different things. And now I just have 1 report to write, some other things to do and that's all. Incredible! I would like to use this time maybe also for creating the project ideas for future applications, refreshing my languages and developing the professional knowledge. Let's hope I'll manage.

I came home 3 days ago - before that I was in Brussels, co-leading video workshop during the European Youth Week. I was working with Christophe and Steven - two lovely, charming, inteligent and professional guys from Belgium and Wales. It was very nice work and also cool free time together. Besides our workshop, there were 2 other 'creative' workshops - music and photo. The music workshop was leaded by my favourite Turkish-Iranian: Behrooz and very cool Greek: Sakis :)
There were also 7 'debating' workshps leaded by trainers from the Pool of Trainers of the European Youth Forum.
It was a bit difficult (especially at the beginning) to create one team between those two types of trainers, but later it was better and better. I would not say that it was done in 100%, but still - better than I expected after the preparatory meeting. But I still hope that organizers will a bit rethink the concept for the next EYW. Even, if I don't have any guarantee that I would work for the next one as well.

The work was a bit confusing sometimes, often very hard and long, but still - it was very interesting and I'm not sorry that I agreed to work there. We had very interesting group of participants, spent also cool time together during the breaks and the free time.

I've met many cool, very interesting people during this time. On both levels - between participants and between trainers. I've also met people whom I know before, so it was also cool :) I enjoyed my free time very much! I've met again, e.g. Annamari, Asia, Bettina, Bjorn, Marius, Homa... And I've met many new cool people, e.g. Ioana, Bogdy, Danjela, Peter, Nina, Naomi, Renata, Vesna, David, Luis... Many, many great people! I hope that at least with some of them I'll meet again and again :)

About the EYW - we've started with informal opening, introduction to workshops and bus tour around Brussels (what a lovely time!). Next day we had the official openning, workshops time and a disco (hm... very short for 'the creative team', but still great :)). On Tuesday we're finishing the workshop results and at the evening there was a European Celebration - ceremony of giving awards to projects (Eurovision show II ;) But it was great, time with friends...). During the last day we had first presentation of the results, then time for questions and proposals and after the lunch the final conclusions were ready for the round table with officials from the EU-institutions. After that - for those, who were staying in BXL - evaluation meeting. And at the evening totally non-formal meeting of the trainers and their friends :) Very nice time - laughing, drinking, joking, teasing, talking, eating, being together...

And now, after this beautiful time, it's even harder to get use to being in my village again. I will stay at home until 21st of June, then we have the preparatory meeting for a regional training course for multipliers on human rights education. I will meet there Marius, Darek and other friends, as well as a new (for me) members of the team - Sylvia and Monika. Let's see how it will be work with Darek and Marius, whom I knew from some time, but never worked together.

Missing my friends...

PS. More about the European Youth Week - HERE. Some photos as well, but only for my friends, whom are registered in the Facebook :)